Monday, November 3, 2008

Chasing the Runner's High

This week’s episode I talk about the elusive Runner’s High. I recently re-read an article by Amby Burfoot of Runner’s World about the high and give you some of the highlights from the article. I then go on to discuss the merits of the article. Is it real and why can’t we tap into it more readily?

This weeks highlights from the Firehall
Still no TUNE notes this week.

Feel free to contact me at:

Ultradad.podcast at or read my blog at

Runner's High? Endorphins? Fiction, Some Scientists Say

Yes, Running Can Make You High


  1. I definitely enjoy my high when I can get it.

  2. Keep on running ultradad! I get more of a high from skate skiing but running is good too.
    I'm trying to contact your wife supermommy. She left a comment on my blog ( but i see that her blog is private. I would like an invite if she's allow it.
