Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Dump Run
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I would be using this twenty miles as on more test to see if this old body could handle the rigors of ultra distance training. I jumped into 18 miles last week, a huge leap from my previous long run of 12 miles which wasn’t the week before. This week I wanted to get back to the 10% rule or at least close to it.
My original plan was to start at Municipal Hall and run Leg 3 of the Haney to Harrison backwards to the transition for Leg 3 at Burma Road. I got off to a late start after setting my alarm for 4 and finally crawling out of bed around 4:45. I was on the road at just after 5 am. I plugged in my iPod and listened to an old Trilogy Running Podcast. Nobody makes me smile more than Jason and Shawn. I could listen to those guys forever. On a recent trip to Prince George I drove 8 hours straight and listened to 9 episodes in a row. By the end of it I was listening real hard and talking real good.
Around the 8 mile mark I took a look at my watch and the sign on the road said “Landfill 2.5 km”. It was already after 7 am and I told Jen I’d be back by 8:00. I knew I could stretch 8:30 but 9:00 would be a no go. The landfill is still another 2 miles to the transition, all downhill which means all uphill on the way back so doing the math I had roughly 3 or 4 miles the original destination. It would put me somewhere around 23 miles for the day. Time was not on my side. The distance was not on my side. My legs felt okay I mean after all I was only half way. I decided to change plans and only run to the dump then pick up the pace and try to make it home before 8:30.
The Dump Runners Club
I’ve been listening to the Dump Runners Club, a podcast, for a few years now and although I’ve run to and past the dump a number of times I’ve never taken a picture and submitted it for my official members
Finding Flow
At the turnaround I switched to music. I just can’t pick up the pace listening to podcasts. I find myself too into the content rather than the experience. As far as finding flow when you listen to podcasts while running your actions (running) are too separate from your awareness which is in the podcast. In order to achieve flow action and awareness must become merged by concentrating on what you are doing, focus on the run and you will achieve flow.
I did pick up the pace on the way back. For about 7 of the last 10 I was in flow. It was magical! Towards the end of the run my legs started to feel the ache. In retrospect I think I’m down on electrolytes. My fuel was okay I think I might try to eat more next time out. Next week I’m going to run to the Transition at Burma Road it should be about 23 miles. I still have 8 weeks before the race so I think I’m doing okay. I don’t think I want to go beyond 30 miles. I think what I’ll do instead is do 30 one day and 10 the next or 20 one day and 15 the next. The time factor is one thing although to this point I’ve had some really strong support.
Did you shoot me an email so I could send you a nifty headband? I will welcome you to the club on the next show.